Thursday, February 4, 2010

growing belly dilemma

I am attending a wedding on Saturday. And I would have RSVP'd no if I didn't know them as well as I do and didn't think they were the sweetest people ever. But because I said yes (and while I am excited for their wedding), I was left with the dilemma of what to wear.

I am, after all, 30 weeks pregnant.

With my last pregnancy there wasn't a need for dressy clothes. I became self-employed and, other than my father's requested casual memorial parties, I really didn't have a reason to dress up beyond my favorite jeans, boots and comfy tops.

That's right... I'm a jeans kind of gal! Have more pairs than I need, but I love them and wear all of them!

Anyway, so I set out on Tuesday with my mom to find a dress. The requirements: one that looks nice, matches the shoes I already have and wasn't going to break the bank since I will only be wearing it this one time (at least at this point I am saying "no more babies.").

Gap Maternity pulled through, even though I ended up spending a lot more money there than just the dress (jeans!). I purchased off the sale rack a beautiful blue wrap dress that I can pair with brown knee boots.

But now I am faced with another dilemma... Undergarments!

Of course it's the kind of fabric that shows every line of your bra and panties. And being pregnant, I just can't justify going commando. Not with the bloated tube socks that have become my breasts and all the other fun things that get to happen to pregnant women. Despite what my other half thinks, I NEED UNDIES!

So, we marched across the mall to Destination Maternity where they actually sell shaping undergarments for pregos.

Now, really! We are pregnant, so we need to tame our fat at a time like this?

Anyway, back to the point... Anything they had was two pieces and cost $40 a piece, which I was just not willing to do. Plus the sales people were not at all helpful nor willing to try. No business from this prego, but was happy to change my kids poopy diaper in their bathroom and let her run a muck in their play area (am I terrible, or what!).

So, the big day is in two days and my only options are VPL (Visible Panty Lines) or to go commando. Hopefully I can find an affordable resolution soon.

Thanks for letting me vent!

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