Sunday, May 9, 2010

hadley - 22 months

Photo by Sarah Christensen of Becoming Sarah

Dear Hadley,

Yesterday you turned 22 months. And you couldn't be more beautiful. Your personality continues to shine, even more so in your vocabulary and your pretend play. You certainly keep your dad and I entertained...

Speaking of pretend play... When you stand on top of your potty stool and use your pink snake as a microphone to sing the ABC's almost makes me pee my pants with delight. When did you learn to do that?

I think you are adjusting to Hayden well, except when you are not feeling well and just want mom, which I learned yesterday. BUT, you are always wanting to snuggle with her. You want to sit by her. You tell her "I YA YOU." And I have even found you sitting next to her crib, singing to her and reading books to her. It's very sweet and I think once she is bigger, less of a blob and has some more personality, you two will be inseparable. I'm so excited for you!

The terrible twos are terribly upon us. I thought they were here once or twice before, but I had no idea what they were really about. Crying. Protesting. Saying "no" to mom and dad. Saying "no" to yourself. It's fun! Especially when you have a doozy of a cold and cutting teeth on top of your age. I'm looking forward to this time passing because it just isn't fun for anyone, not even you. But, alas, it is a developmental milestone. Which means, it's actually good that you are acting this way.

We are moving... Surprise, surprise. This will be your fourth move in your short little life. And hopefully the last for a long, long time. We bought a house. In Minnesota. And we are moving there in three weeks. We are going to paint the walls in the colors we want. And settle in!

Well, my love, you are laying on the bed next to me watching Winnie the Pooh. I can just stare at you forever. I just don't know how you do it, but you become more beautiful everyday. Even with your snotty nose and mussed up hair. I can't wait to see what the coming months turn you into.

I love you to pieces!


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