Friday, September 24, 2010

family friday: we took our zoo to the zoo

This week we loaded the girls up and headed to the Minnesota Zoo. It was on our list of things to do before the weather turned too cold, and we managed to pick the coldest day of the week to do it. But we bundled up and braved the weather.

The zoo was pretty empty as far as visitors, so parking was lovely and we were able to let Hadley walk the entire time sine we couldn't lose her in a crowd. She was such a good girl and exhausted by the end. But she didn't want to sit in the stroller, so she rubber her eyes, collected leaves and tried to keep going.

We really saw Hayden's maturity on this trip. She was so alert and interested in the animals that really put on a show. She loved the otters, beavers and sharks. She, too, refused to sit in the stroller, so I had her on my hip in our sling. Our double stroller served as a means to push around our diaper bag and blankets.

And we managed to hit every trail but one! Here are some more pictures from our visit. A fun day was had by all!


  1. Your are back in the top 100 bloggers - congratulations - I enjoy your blog daily

  2. Too cute! Looks like a great trip!


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