Thursday, May 26, 2011

hayden - 14 months

A Letter to My Bugga,

Today, my love bug, you are 14 month. I am in constant awe as to how quickly time passes, especially when it comes to you girls. Just two months a go you were learning to walk and now you are practically running.

This month you have started to be a cranky butt. You have found your voice and are learning how to communicate, but I think you get frustrated when your point doesn't get across. We are working on sign language, which you are picking up quickly - already signing for more, milk and telling us when you are all done. You also say "mama", "dada", "hi", "bye bye", "baby" and mimic the sound of words we use.We are hoping that as your signing and vocal vocabulary grows, your frustration will start to diminish.

Over the last month you slowly weened yourself from breastfeeding. You are far to independent these days to be bothered. I have to admit that I am shocked how easy it was to ween you as your sister would likely still be attached to the breast at almost three years old. But you decided you were done. And I'm proud of you for making that decision. You like to feed yourself and drink from big girl cups. Far be it from me to stop my independent gal.

The snow has finally melted here in Minnesota and we've been able to go outside and check out the progress of our plants. You've enjoyed spending time outside, and pitch a fit when we go inside. You like touching the dirt and splashing in the rain puddles. You like to put your feet in the grass and generally explore the world around you. Every morning we open the blinds on the french doors and say "Good morning squirls! Good morning birdies!" and you spend several minutes standing at the window observing the morning. You are a little nature girl, like your sister.

My love, there is so much coming our way through the summer. A visit to California to see Grandma Sally, Uncle Sean and your soon-to-be Aunt Christian. In August we are headed to Vermont to vacation with Grandma Melanie, Grandpa Jim, Auntie(s) Heather, Tara and Molly. So many memories to be made. I am looking forward to the days, months and years to come with you. I can't imagine my world without you.

I love you to pieces,

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