Thursday, April 30, 2009

ergo baby carrier

Yesterday I was looking for means to getting some exercise while being outside.  Lucky as I am to live in beautiful Orange County, hiking trails and paths are plentiful, we ventured outside - though, not to take advantage of the beautiful path right outside our front door.

We walked the 2.5 miles to Barnes and Nobles and it was great!  The weather was warmish, my significant other was by my side and our little one was happily strapped to my back in our comfy Ergo Baby Carrier.  

I love this product for the longer adventures because it distributes her weight nicely and I don't have a sore back or shoulders at the end of the adventure.  I can wear her on my back or in the front, which I did on our way home and fell sound asleep in the process.

It takes a little bit of work to put it on, but I wouldn't say it's difficult.  I tend to use a sling for simple, quick trips instead of the Ergo for this reason.  Also, sometimes I feel that I need help placing her, but that has improved with use.

All in all, I am happy with this product and it was worth the money spent on it.

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