Wednesday, August 26, 2009

dropping the second nap

We FINALLY have a good nap schedule and I think it's taking a turn. I think Hadley has readjusted herself to a noon time snooze and no longer goes down at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. We had her napping well in her bed and I was enjoying the extra time to myself during the day, but maybe I'll get a nice monster nap out of her at lunch time.

The rule in our house with nap times is that she needs to go into her bed for at least an hour. She can choose to sleep, cry, watch her Baby Einstein DVD or play with her stuffed animals, but she does not come out for an hour. Lately her activity in her bed has been little sleep (if any) and a combination of the other allowed activities. However, this morning, she played for an entire hour and managed to pull everything off her changing table that is located next to her bed (that will be moved). So, I got her up, she ran around the house for while, I took her to the pool for a half hour and when she came back, she sucked down a bottle and took her nap on my chest. Now, I know I should have put her down, but she had already fulfilled her hour obligation and, let's face it, a sleeping baby to snuggle with is sure wonderful.

It is now 5:15 p.m. and she shows no signs of sleepiness, which means bed time will likely come earlier than later (YAY!), although accompanied by some crabbiness.

I think I am going to miss the first nap...

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