Thursday, September 3, 2009

25 things

1. I despise ketchup. It can't touch my plate or my lips.
2. I miss going to work in an office.
3. I love school supplies. Calendars, notebooks, crayons, book covers... love it all!
4. At one time in my life I could ride a unicycle.
5. In high school I locked my keys in my car with the car running. Auto shop came to the rescue and I was mortified.
6. I have a huge sweet tooth. Sour Patch Kids are the bomb!
7. I loved the idea of having my child naturally, but I always knew I would end up having an epidural. I gave in at four centimeters (but in my defense, it was day three into induction and I was tired).
8. Sometimes Thursday will come and I will have realized that my hair hasn't been washed since Saturday.
9. I am not a good sick person. I get tearful and whiney, but wont lay down to take care of myself.
10. I would make a terrible engineer.
11. On the other hand, I would be a fabulous party planner.
12. While we are on the topic of professions, when I was little I was sure I would be a Hot Dog On A Stick girl squeezing lemonade. That notion was followed with wanting to be a fighter pilot and an astronaut (note: neither of which I would be good at - see #10).
13. I love designer jeans. Sue me. LOVE THEM! And I get every red cent out of them.
14. A happy, cozy feeling comes over me when I go into Pottery Barn. Any rough thoughts go away when I am there. Bliss. (Now, if only I was willing to make purchases there)
15. I love jazz music. The slow, sultry old kind.
16. I'm hairy. I must wax. I must pluck. I must shave.
17. I miss having complete alone time at home. It is rare that I am here all by myself.
18. I used to love to read. I think I still do, but can't seem to find the time to do it.
19. I wish my baby would sleep the whole night through in her bed, even though I miss her to pieces and worry constantly about her.
20. I don't like being pregnant. I love the outcome. I just don't like the process. Obviously, I am willing to do it for the outcome.
21. I miss my dad everyday and everyday I have to remind myself that he died.
22. I struggle with the idea that there is an end to all of our lives. I remember when my dad died I wanted to know what it was like so I knew that he was OK. Now that Hadley is here, it scares me to death (no pun intended).
23. I am constantly tired, but have a hard time napping (or sleeping in).
24. I want to go to Hawaii today.
25. My house is dusty. When did I start to let that be OK?

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