Friday, October 30, 2009

public tantrum

Well, this is new... Tantrums in public and today was the WORST! I wanted to trade my kid in. No, not really, but I couldn't get home fast enough. Just a quick trip to the Irvine Spectrum to pick up some kiddo clothes (have I mentioned that Hadley is having her pictures taken for the cover of OC Family Magazine?), lunch and sunshine. After dining on hotdogs at Target, bumping in to my brother and his buddies, we ran in to Old Navy. All was well until we were almost at the front of a long line and she lost her shit. Not kidding - LOST HER SHIT! Tears, screaming, throwing anything I tried to give her to shut her up, but to no avail, she continued to scream. We were at the front of a LONG line and I just wanted to make my purchases. So when she finally worked her way past the seat straps of the stroller, she stood up and I held her and she continued to cry and wiggle and scream. Once outside, I let her push the stroller, which helped. But once we were in Nartije to make an exchange she lost it again when I put on the stroller break. We left this time, didn't even bother trying to make my exchange. Outside again, she pushed the stroller through the outdoor mall, be lined for the fountains, and once inside of Target, decided she was going to take off in a sprint, pulling everything Dora the Explorer off the shelf (have I mentioned that I hate Dora). So in an effort to get out, I tried to put her back in the stroller and she successfully wiggled so much that I couldn't get her legs into the seat. So I held her, and she screamed, and wiggled and made an ugly scene... All the way to the car. All the way home. I didn't think I'd get out of the Spectrum with my kid and all of our belongings, but I did. But it's going to be awhile before I attempt that again. I'm exhausted!


  1. I will never forget my sons first tantrum. It is the worst, but remember, a lot of people out there have been through it! AND - its not your fault! I'd be exhausted too!

  2. My daughter had a tantrum in the store a couple of weeks back. Me and DH didn't know what to do, so we just walked out with everyone looking at us. What can you do? When they get to that level of crazy, there is now reasoning with them.

  3. Oh my!! So this is what I have to look forward to in a year? Now I wish I could just freeze her at four months. :)


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