Saturday, October 3, 2009

we've gone G... again

I switched back to G Diapers today. Not that they are more affordable, because they are not by any means. But because, while considered hybrid, they are nearly all cotton - no plastic - which will help with my little one's new issue with diaper rash.

If you aren't familiar with the G Diaper, it's a part cloth, part flushable/disposable/compostable (it's up to you). Pretty cool. Better for the environment (however, they usually take two flushes, so it really isn't that great in that respect - we toss them). And better for my little one's who-ha. Pretty cool little things!

1 comment:

  1. Good on you to give them another go. I think g-diapers are a good 'gateway' diaper into cloth diapering - using a washable, reusable cover, then experimenting with all the different types of liners and boosters and whatnot to use as the soaker.

    We also compost and worm farm - that's a way of dealing with the wet stuff and we also practice EC to catch most poos.

    Yes they often cost more, but to save money you could find online stores that sell g-diapers and join their announcement lists for specials and discounts.

    Also, the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt is coming up in November, many a Mom has switched to cloth thanks to the specials and discounts and prizes from the hunt! Usually it's 10% off, and then all sorts of bonus offers and fun stuff.

    (Oh yes, and mention "Part Time Diaper Free" as the site that referred you if you've not joined the hunt before -I get points and may win a special sponsor prize!)


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