Tuesday, June 15, 2010

terrible twos tuesday: are they wiser than we think they are?

This morning we had on Nick Jr. (don't judge, we do let Hadley watch the TV) while we started our day. While I was feeding Hayden, Hadley was watching Max and Ruby, a truly annoying cartoon, but it's pretty harmless as far as content and she seems to enjoy it, so I left it on.

Max is Ruby's little toddler brother - I'm guessing about two because of his language skills. Ruby is the annoying older sister who takes care of her brother. Where their mom and dad are, I don't know. But, Ruby seems to do a pretty good job of caring for the two of them.

Max and Ruby are pretty normal bunny kids, I would guess as far as bunny children go. Ruby belongs to the Bunny Scouts and Max is all boy. Ruby is always trying to help Max, keep him entertained and out of trouble. She is a bossy bunny, and often dismisses Max's messages, which are nine times out of ten, correct.

Today's episode, Ruby is having a fancy Bunny Scout party and is insisting that Max attend, wearing his best suit. Max is not interested. He wants to play with is rocket ships in his bedroom.

After several failed attempts of Ruby trying to get Max to dress himself, she finally dresses him. Her guests arrive and they do their fancy introductions and they sit at the table waiting for Max's arrival. When he doesn't arrive, Ruby goes to find him. She finds him stripped down to his fur playing with his toys. She insists that he get dressed and join them for cake.

And get dressed he does. His shirt becomes his pants. His pants become his shirt. His jacket and tie become his hat. And just as Ruby tells the table thatMax was having trouble putting his suit on and she helped him get it right, he makes an appearance in his new concoction. She is embarrassed.

But it got me thinking... Do we miss our toddlers messages because we dismiss them as gibberish? Also, should we let our toddlers remind us to be silly?

I don't know... But maybe these little people are much wiser than we think they are.

(only 3 days left of the Minnetonka Baby Moccasin giveaway. Click the moccasin to the right to enter.)


  1. I think kids are definitely wiser than we think they are. They hear and understand EVERYTHING!! :)

  2. My three year old decided yesterday that he would give all of the oily birds (in the gulf of Mexico) scuba gear so that they could safely swim under the oil. He recently learned that oil floats during a dinner-time salad dressing lesson. Yes, little kids are smarter then we think. I always try not to dilute the message or make it more simple than it is. When I explain something, I tell the whole story!! Best of luck, love the blog!

  3. My 2 year old is so smart I have to watch what she watches on the tube...pretty soon she'll be wanting to know how one picks a lock!! Even if I'm just tryin to watch the news, I have to turn it when she comes into the room...that little brain is a huge sponge ready to absorb information!!


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