Monday, July 26, 2010

hayden - four months old

Hayden, my love,

Today you are four months old. I can hardly believe it has already been four months since that wonderful moment of your delivery. The moment I felt the incredible urge to push you out. When the "I am woman, hear me roar" moment took over my being and I insisted on pushing you out with little coaching. The moment I saw your wet head emerge. The moment they laid you on me and you screamed. And that special moment, when you were just moments old, you reached up and touched my face. In my mind it was just yesterday.

And while it may seem like I am sad that those moments already passed, know that there have been so many more. The first time you smiled. For real smiled, the moment you giggled. Took my hand. Batted at a toy. Sat in your bumbo seat. Put weight on your chubby legs. Rolled over. There are so many moments, and so many more to come.

This month you and I had the opportunity to spend four uninterrupted days together while we were in San Francisco for a friends wedding. I exposed you to some interesting San Francisco norms, but you were a trooper. I enjoyed spending time with you napping, nursing and strolling. You rolled over for the first time in our hotel room. You cooed and smiled and told me baby babble stories. While I missed your sister like crazy, I so enjoyed our time together, getting to know you better. And even though you weren't the easiest little person on the airplane or around a lot of people, I hope we can do it again sometime.

Hayden, my love, you are my beautiful bugga bugga baby. I am blessed.

I love you to pieces,

PS Because of my traveling, Must Have Monday is on hiatus this week, but will return next Monday with a great giveaway!

If you like what you are reading, vote for me on Top Baby Blogs by clicking on the TBB button on the right side bar and clicking one more time. Thanks!

-- Post From My iPad

1 comment:

  1. hi, i just found your blog from top baby blogs.
    it looks like we have little ones around the same age. a two year old and our littlest just 4 days apart!
    can't wait to see your point of view on all the fun things that come along with raising a two year old-yikes!


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