Monday, August 30, 2010

starting the week off "on a positive note"...

Beth over at Laugh Until You Cry is starting her Monday's out "On a Positive Note" and I think that is a great idea! If you'd like to participate, write about something you are feeling good about this Monday morning and link up by clicking through Beth's button below.

On A Positive Note Button

This Monday morning I'm feeling good about a couple of things... 

1) I had a successful trip to Colorado with Hayden to take care of some business. While it was difficult as it was, in essence, taking over my late father's business and truly having to make big decisions on the business when I would normally turn to him for advisement. I stepped up to the plate and, I think, made some sound decisions.

2) While we had hoped to put a final coat of paint on Hadley's room yesterday, we ended up getting some garage clean up handled. And we didn't have to pay a hauling service! Things on the house front are coming together!

How are you starting your week "on a positive note"?


  1. Thank you so much for participating! I love your positives, they are so inspirational. What a huge responsibility to take over a business - I hope it continues to work out for you! And cleaning the garage?! Awesome!

  2. Wow, sounds like you had a really productive weekend!

    Stopping by from Laugh Until You Cry. Happy Monday!

  3. What a great way to start off the week!

    Love the name Hadley :)

  4. I start my week on a positive note with a cup of coffee. ;)

    Heather from Mommy Only Has Two Hands!


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