Sunday, December 31, 2000

ten confessions

Today's post is inspired by Usher and part of Mama Kat's Weekly Writers Workshop. To sign up, click on the button below.

Mama's Losin' It

1. I can ride a unicycle. Well, could is probably a better word. When I was a kid my dad enrolled my brother and I in unicycle classes. We actually rode in our local parades. I think my brother has recently organized a riding group near where he lives.

2. I love Diet Pepsi. LOVE it! And while I have been enjoying my pregnant and nursing years, I can't wait to enjoy a guilt free big gulp of Diet Pepsi.

3. I haven't had a pedicure or manicure since March.

4. I have to wax my eyebrows and upper lip every two weeks. But that rarely happens. Sometimes I have to use a razor in-between waxes, so shoot me. I'm hairy.

5. I throw away poopy onesies, unless it's a special one. I figure she's just about grown out of it anyway and I'm not handing down to anyone a pooped on onesie. Spit up is one thing. Poop a completely different ball game.

6. These days I'm lucky if my hair gets washed twice a week.

7. I hate taking out the trash and cleaning the toilets. Luckily, Jonathan doesn't mind those chores.

8. I am in a constant state of worry about my kids. I worry about them getting terminally ill, injured or worse... If I could, I'd put them in sterile bubbles.

9. I hate dried fruit. It's wrinkly. And weird.

10. My children were not planned. But they are the best things I've ever done and they are the loves of my life. I am invincible because of them.

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