Friday, June 10, 2011


I've started working. It's only 10 hours a week, but a lot for a mama who's primary job has been her babies for the last (almost) four years, only taking an occasional freelance job.

But it's been good for me. Really good for me. Not only do I enjoy what I am doing, I'm enjoying doing "adult" things. And one thing I've gotten back is my weekends...

Does this sound strange?

Well, the one thing I've thought since I stopped working in January 2008 is that I no longer looked forward to the weekend. You know that "Ahhhh! It's Friday!" feeling. It went away. Friday and Saturday and Sunday were just another day at the office. But now, I look forward to them. Even if I only go to work three days a week.

I have a four day weekend this weekend, and I have lots on our plate. Today we are (hopefully) headed to the zoo, if the weather permits. Tomorrow, Hayden has swimming lessons and a possible birthday party in the evening. Sunday we will go where the wind blows, but making sure to check out a new breakfast local for my other blog (newly designed by So Pupuka!).... And Monday? Who knows... Maybe the aquarium?

What do you have on tap this weekend?

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They reset their system yesterday and I need votes to make the list. Thank you!
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