Monday, June 13, 2011

motherhood is awesome

This morning I was snuggling with Hadley on the couch while Hayden was napping. I was laying down, and she was snuggled with her back against the couch, her body laying where my body met the cushion. And there we laid. This is what we did everyday when she was tiny. Before Hayden. Before she was too independent to be bothered with a nap. But this morning, she humored me with the snuggle.

And I realized... She is growing up so fast.

Hadley will be three next month. She speaks in sentences. Lives in make believe worlds that include her sister, princesses, fairies and crocodile water. She dances and sings familiar songs when the mood strikes her. She draws happy faces and rainbows.

I think I will be in constant awe of how I grew her, birthed her and raised her to be this incredible little person. It's the wonder and miracle of life.

I know... Another post about how awesome this motherhood thing is!

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