Friday, September 9, 2011

vermont: stowe lodge farmer's market + alpine slides

Near the end of our trip to beautiful Stowe Vermont we had the opportunity to go to the Stowe Lodge, which is a gorgeous hotel/ski resort/spa and enjoy their outdoor market. There were a few farmer's, lots of artists and fun things to do.

The big girls (aunties and second cousins) were having their hair wrapped and Hadley wanted to have it done, too. So, Grandma treated Hadley to some sparklies woven into her hair. They were basically over priced tinsel pieces that they knotted into her hair. Unfortunately, they were gone by that evening. But she enjoyed being a big girl and let me snap a few cute pictures.

During the non-snow seasons, the alpine slide is open. And Hadley was amped to take a ride. We rode the long chair lift to the top of the mountain and slid on these little skateboard like things down. I disappointed the boy behind us because I went a little slower. But I had my kid with me!!

Hayden waited at the bottom with her aunties, snacked on goldfish and enjoyed her own water bottle.

Hadley went back up the slide with Grandma... And the trip turned into a bit of a disaster. Not only did they get stopped at the top because a bear ventured out on the track, but they were involved in an accident. A little girl on the track next to them fell off her board and was asking for help. Hadley and Grandma slowed to help and the kid coming down behind them slammed into them. The little girl on the other track was pretty scraped up. Grandma got a good goose egg on the back of the head. And the kid who hit them was a little bumped up. But nothing too serious... I think the not knowing if my child was the one injured or not was scary. I've never breathed such a sigh of relief when I saw them come down to the bottom of the hill.

All in all, it was a good day, albeit a little freaky at the end.

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