Thursday, September 10, 2009

gymboree bully

Call me a bad person, but there is a kid in Hadley's Gymboree class that I just don't like. Maybe it's his mom that irks me more. He is a bully. Pushes kids. Climbs on everything, which is fine, but his mom just stands across the room to allow him to plummet to his death should he misstep. These kids are only 14 months to 20months old!

Yesterday, Jonathan took Hadley to class and reported that he pushed her with a ball off the balance beam. Today, I had to prevent the kid from falling off this HUGE slide because his mom couldn't be bothered to assist him. One of the teachers actually had to tell her to stay with him. THEN, I noticed, she left him, went to the car to get his sippy cup and her check book. Who was left to watch him? Those of us with our arms full with busy tots already.

As far as the bullying goes, he probably didn't mean it. How could he? He is so little and Hadley is much littler than everyone in the class because they graduated her two months early, but still. When did it become OK to let our kids get away with this behavior? I repremand Hadley when she takes a toy from someone, have done so since she started playing with other kids. I'm not saying she is perfect, not by any means, she has her naughty times, but all in all, for a 14 month old, she is a pretty good sharer and very gentle.

I just don't get parents... How can you not be an active participant in the most important thing in your life?

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