Wednesday, July 7, 2010

wishful wednesday: continued sleep!

I know I've written quite a bit on the old sleep topic. But it's a big deal in our house. Formerly co-sleeping parents, we decided it was time for Hadley to sleep in her own bed. Hayden really doesn't get the option...

I read on a blog somewhere about a rewards system that worked for this one mom. Basically, tell your kid that if they sleep in their own bed through the night a fairy will leave them a present. Something we hadn't tried, but Hadley may be old enough to get it.

And she does (sorry about the rotated picture, on the iPad)... Last nights gift was a tiara, that she sported all day.

The "Dora Fairy" has visited her four times since we started telling this tall tale. And while it may cost us $.50-1.00 a night, it's well worth it. We may start recycling gifts, giving her stickers or other cheaper junk. For now, I want to keep it interesting.

Oh! And Hayden slept through the night last nigh, too!

I wish for continued sleep.

-- Post From My iPad

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