Saturday, April 23, 2011

on easter bunnies and chocolate eggs

Today, Hadley has started understanding the concept of the Easter Bunny. Kind of... She thinks eggs are filled with chocolate and she needs to hunt for them because this huge bunny hides them in a field where she has to contend with 200 other children to get a few eggs.

But she's starting to get the "bunny" part of Easter (which is the only part we celebrate).

Tonight, Easter Eve, she and I sat down to color on a few hard boiled eggs. She had me write all of our names on the eggs and she decorated each egg with stickers she thought we would like. I told her the Easter bunny would come and hide them while she was sleeping.

So, the night ticked on and it was well past bed time. I went to the front door, came back to the living room and said "the Easter Bunny is outside waiting for you to go night night! He can't hide your eggs if you aren't in bed!" And with that, she agreed to go to bed.

Shame on me, I know. But why not let her believe in the innocence of the Easter bunny before she is jaded by age...

Anyway, I went to take the garbage up and glance up to her window on the second floor to see a little face peeking out of the corner. And she wasn't looking at me... She was looking for the Easter Bunny.

So cute I can hardly stand it!!

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