Friday, December 2, 2011

"mama's going crazy" blues

Can I be super honest?

My kids are driving me crazy. My patience is short. Hadley's voice has been so loud and Hayden has done nothing but whine.  And they hang on me. Even now, they both have toys and games and a TV show on. Yet, they feel the need to be on my lap while I'm typing this. IT'S. DRIVING. ME. C.R.A.Z.Y.!

And I feel so bad about it. I look forward to bedtime. Some evenings after Jonathan gets home from work, I leave the house to have alone time. I hate that I feel the need to get away from them, but if I don't I will be an unhappy example.

I've found comfort recently that this is somewhat normal. Also, it won't be the last time I feel this way. So, I must devise a plan to cope with this. Here are some things I am going to attempt to implement in order to weather these chaotic times better:

  • Make time for me time. Research shows that it's important. So I'm going to abide by that, even if it's a time out in my room for 10 minutes while they play in their rooms (happily or otherwise).
  • Along the lines of Me Time, I am going to get to the gym regularly again. I fell off this wagon in September after a long vacation followed by a yucky bought of bronchitis. I recently purchased a package of pilates classes off of Living Social that I am going to start using.
  • Stop sweating stuff. When I stress, I get frustrated and don't function properly. I own a business, work part-time and am a full-time mom. Things come up that I worry about and I need to learn that they will all workout. I don't need to pay them more energy than they deserve.
  • Eat healthier. Lately, I only think about getting through the day and nothing otherwise. Many mornings I miss breakfast or pick up something, like a scone, with no nutritional value. I must incorporate more snacks and make sure they are healthy choices. Our bodies need healthy fuel to function and, believe it or not many of us who struggle to maintain the weights we want aren't eating enough.
  • I'm going to plan my next trip. I love to travel and look forward to it. So I'm going to officially book at trip I've been talking about and start preparing for it.
There is my new plan starting TODAY! What do you do to beat the "Mama's Going Crazy" blues?

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